Monthly Archives: July 2021


How to write a Dissertation Abstract


How To Write A Dissertation Abstract What is An Abstract? Whenever conducting a detailed scientific study, authors are required to summarise their entire study, including the methods, background, as well as outcomes. This brief summary is known as the “Abstract”. It can be deemed as the crux of entire research which lets readers know precisely what the research was about and its outcomes. Without an all-encompassing abstract, it is almost impossible for readers to identify the uniqueness of your research. In this sense, a good abstract is composed in light of two purposes: to inform potential readers [...]

How to write a Dissertation Abstract2024-05-24T10:34:10+00:00

Structure Acknowledgement


The Purpose of Dissertation Acknowledgements? The acknowledgement purpose of the dissertation is to thank all of the people provides information and related support in study research. It is not limited to individuals, organizations, educational institution, academic supervisors, colleagues, friends and family members. The general concerned is to comprehensively express your gratitude in a manner which briefly shows the internal emotions. In some cultures and traditions the dissertation author shows gratitude to the Almighty Allah (God), in contrast, the western and some secular nature of societies this is not an institutional or academic practice. One important point every dissertation [...]

Structure Acknowledgement2024-05-24T10:30:05+00:00

Structure List of Figure


Dissertation Structure List Of Figure Use Numbers and Clear Titles in The Text The list of figures and tables are most important in the dissertation and are just what they specifically sound like where lists of all tables and figures used in the dissertation are in coherence with the pages of numbers. The list of tables and figures in the dissertation is like the table of contact that helps to reach the specific table and figure with the help of page numbers. Hence in all this, the corresponding page numbers are most important followed by the clear titles and usage [...]

Structure List of Figure2024-05-24T10:25:32+00:00

How Many References for A Dissertation Are Necessary


How Many References for A Dissertation Are Necessary? If you go to Shibuya street in Tokyo, Japan on a busy Monday, and decide to scream out loud; ‘THE WORLD IS GOING TO END’, will the people believe you? Forget about believing, will they even bother to stop and listen to you? Now Imagine If you did the same, but proved your claim through tons of references with previous research studies, will they believe you now? Yes, they will probably bother to at least stop and take your claim seriously. That’s exactly why references are necessary whenever a research is conducted. [...]

How Many References for A Dissertation Are Necessary2024-11-18T06:08:29+00:00
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