



How to write a Dissertation Abstract

How To Write A Dissertation Abstract What is An Abstract? Whenever conducting a detailed scientific study, authors are required to summarise their entire study, including the methods, background, as well as outcomes. This brief summary is known as the “Abstract”. It can be deemed as the crux of entire research which lets readers know precisely what the research was about and its outcomes. Without an all-encompassing abstract, it is almost impossible for readers to identify the uniqueness of your research. In this sense, a good abstract is composed in light of two purposes: to inform potential readers about the research, and to inform research databases about your thesis. If you have done literature review during the [...]

July 31st, 2021|Categories: Informative, Informative Abstract|0 Comments

Writing Dissertation Chapter One Introduction

What is Dissertation Introduction? The first chapter of any dissertation is the ‘Introduction’. As the name suggests, it introduces the reader to your dissertation in order to comprehend what you are trying to answer or the issue you are trying to resolve. Why Introduction is Mandatory for Dissertation? Introduction is imperative for any research as it ensures the following things: It initially enables the reader of the background information which puts in the context of your dissertation. It illuminates your dissertation’s focus. It demonstrates your dissertation’s value. It determines your dissertation’s aim and objectives. How to Write a Dissertation Introduction? It is equally important to draw attention of the reader to your dissertation, therefore, it is indefensible for [...]

August 11th, 2021|Categories: Chapter One Introduction, Informative|0 Comments

Chapter 2 Literature Review

What is Chapter 2 Literature Review? Educational institutes target students to encapsulate a strong survey of dissertations, books, scholarly articles, published materials, and/or conference proceedings. The literature review includes a profound level of research understanding which are addressed in description of the context and critical analysis of a particular issue, topic and/or area of research. However, it has to be noted that literature review should not be confused with the book review that summarises a book as well as has a less structured format. The purpose of a literature review by any author is to provide insights into the work that has been published already. Literature Review is one of the main aspects or backbone of any research as it includes the main context associated with the research topic. It also includes subheadings drawn upon the basis of research objectives. An example has been mentioned below, showing literature review of a research Why [...]

September 11th, 2021|Categories: Chapter Two-Literature Review, Informative|0 Comments

Chapter 3 Research Methodology

What is Dissertation Chapter 3 Research Methodology? The methodology is a key part or aspect of dissertation. Methodology explains the wide philosophical underpinning for the chosen research methods which involves which method should be chosen either qualitative or quantitative method or mixed-method. The methodology is more concerned with allowing the readers for examining the reliability and validity of the paper. It involves the type of paper that will be performed throughout the thesis. Why Methodology is important for a Dissertation or Research Paper? Research methodology is an important yet crucial aspect of the thesis. It mainly emphasis explaining extensive philosophical features that underpin the methods opted for the research for providing the reader with an effective approach. These methods suggest and provide training to be applied to the problem identified by determining various tools and techniques that are appropriate to the research problem. This chapter is important in the dissertation as it gives [...]

September 14th, 2021|Categories: Chapter Three-Research Methodology, Informative|0 Comments
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