How to Write a Dissertation Proposal for Undergraduate

A dissertation proposal is the backbone of the entire research project. Based on its authenticity and the convincing of the materials. The nature of the whole dissertation would be identified and with the acceptance of the proposal, only a research student can be able to start the actual dissertation.

The dissertation proposal depends on the university and its type. It’s a useful exercise to practice if one wants to pursue as an intellectual scholar or even if one is required to prove the acquired academic knowledge throughout the time of the course. A dissertation proposal includes the following.

  • Some background researches
  • What your dissertation is about
  • The research questions

Students of undergraduate programs either opt for searching Google for the best guides or prefer consulting a professional writing agency for their dissertation writing help UK and USA based.

Structure of the Dissertation Proposal

A structure of a typical dissertation proposal is of the following parts and order,

  • The Title
  • The Objectives
  • Some context
  • Details of the strategy
  • The methodologies
  • The expected outcomes

Sometimes the proposal may also include a bibliography section with all the reference links. It will be depending principally on the instructor.

The Steps of Writing A Dissertation Proposal

1.   Generating an Idea

The first vital part is the idea generation for a valid topic to be researched on. While searching for an idea, make sure it’s valid, feasible, and has a considerable amount of background research. That way, it would be easier in writing the literature review. Once the idea has been finalized by the students, it is better to structure it down and conduct thorough research on it.  Make sure the written details are not confusing, it should be concise and to the point so that the instructor could comprehend it without any sort of difficulty. British Students often Google their favorite dissertation topic or hire one of the professional dissertation writing service London has for guidance.

2.   The Introduction: Aims and objectives

A proposal needs an introduction just like the rest of the research papers. The idea is the core element of that proposal along with aims and objectives, they need to be presented in a convincing and propelling manner so that the instructor might be interested in it. You will need to describe why your topic and its objectives need to be focused on and what makes them interesting or how the society can benefit from its findings. The research questions should be specific, narrowing down to a particular aspect without casual format. They should be solid and crystal clear to read.

Example : 

Instead of How the Pandemic left a mental impact on people?

Try writing, What was the mental effect of the Coronavirus on young adults ranging from the age of 23 to 30?

3.   The Literature Review

Your dissertation project should be highlighting a unique feature to distinguish from the research work done previously. The literature review is the body paragraph consisting of all the reliable previous work about the selected topic which has been done along with the findings. The statements in the literature review portion need to be formal and should conclude with numbers or the exact statistics of the effect yielded from it. Ensure writing the statements as concise and succinct as possible. Avoid adding unnecessary details.


Instead of  Joseph and Rachel found out that the 2020 year pandemic cause around a 40% increase in depression and anxiety among young adults.

Try Joseph and Rachel detected a 40% increase in depression and anxiety.

4.   Defining Methodology

The most critical section of a dissertation proposal. The methodologies are the methods you will consider for collecting the data for your research project and turning it into useful information. The methodological research can be categorized into two forms,

a)     The Empirical research which involves

Empirical research involves statistical data analysis and with the help of software such as SPSS. The data can be collected in various ways such as surveys, focus groups, etc.

b)    Theoretical Research

There are certain types of dissertation research projects where instead of numbers, students prefer implying theories and models instead of statistics. One such example would be the researches done in the field of English literature.

The methodologies section also includes the name of implementing tools for experiments and the variables that are to be studied. While mentioning the methodologies, a student will have to justify why it’s the most reliable for analyzing such kind of data, so make sure you write it carefully and with reason.

5.   Writing the Assumed Outcomes

The dissertation proposal reaches its climax as the students are now required to state the expected outcomes of the whole research project.  An important fact is that this is just a proposal and the expected results are not confirmed. Students are therefore discouraged in using solid worlds such as which indicate confirming. Instead, students may write about how the outcomes are likely to impact a group or society, etc.  It is advised to stretch the line when defining the impact. This technique can majorly add to the idea’s significance depending on the scope of impact.

6.  Making Bibliography

A Bibliography is a bit different than the reference list as it includes those sources which are pending and still need to be considered. There are multiple styles of referencing depending on the university or college. Some of the most common are APA, Harvard, and Vancouver. UK Students mostly have to fill the bibliography section with one of these three formats while asking their instructors or Googling for custom dissertation help UK websites have to offer.

In a Nutshell

A dissertation is the staple aspect of the entire research. It is made on the purpose to deliver a crux of what the research will going to be and should be expected from it. The above-mentioned steps are the correct formation of the dissertation proposal and therefore should be considered as crucial.