What is Research Gap?

Before, conducting a research, it is necessary for you to identify the research’s unexplored area. Selecting an untapped part in your field of research will enhance your probabilities of being published.

So a big question arises; how can you figure out the research problem of your study?
The answer is… through identifying the gap in the current field of research. i.e. you need to find a research gap!!

First you need to understand what a research gap is.
While reading books/papers, you may realise that there are few areas having important opportunities for more investigation, however, they hadn’t been exploited by the researchers. Hence, research gap refers to such unexplored areas which have possibilities for additional researches.


Why it is Important to Identify a Unique Research Gap?

Suppose, that after countless efforts you have published your dissertation and find out that similar dissertation of similar context has already been published. How would you feel? Devastated, right? That’s why, it is important to identify a unique gap in your research field.

How to Identify Research Gap?

Well. There is no established structure to identify gap in present information. You just need your creativity, curiosity, imagination, and decision to assist you in identifying it. The following tips can somehow guide you to identify research gap;


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Sarah Walker

Writing to writers, is what medicine is to the sick! No exaggerations. I, Sarah Walker, am a writer, a poet, and a blogger. To me creatively sharing my thoughts with others through words is an enthusiasm. Many people do avoid writing but I have been in this field for more than 6 years now and trust me, I love my work even more. To all the future writers, I am always here to help you!

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